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I am your 'Nancy Drew' of Blood Chemistry and I can go through your blood test results with you and help you understand what your blood is telling you about your body and level of health right now. Each marker on your blood test tells a story. And when concentrations of certain molecules in the blood are lower or higher than what is typical or optimal, there is a reason. When you have an imbalance, deficiency or dysregulation happening in your body, there will usually be more than one marker on your blood work pointing to it.

see a red flag on your bloodwork results recently?

In most cases, your doctor is only going to call you if there is something 'serious,' because (through no fault of their own) doctors rarely have time to sit down with you for an hour and explain what your blood test results are saying in detail.


But what if you have some markers that are flagged because they are a little bit high or a little bit low and your doctor isn’t calling? Are they something you should worry about? Should you try to do something about them and, if so, what?  If you don’t make any changes, will they continue to get worse? Some people are content to let it ride until things get bad enough for an official diagnosis and treatment plan and then just hope for the best. If you’re reading this website, I’m guessing that you are more interested in preventing chronic illness before it happens. To people like us, interested in prevention and optimization at every age, these questions about slightly elevated or slightly low blood markers can be unsettling or even overwhelming.

What if you could read your blood chemistry labs like a great mystery novel, collecting all the clues hidden in your test results to understand precisely what is going on in your body right now? You could learn things like why you're not sleeping well, suffering from low energy, getting sick more often than usual or your PMS symptoms are through the roof lately.


Did you know that different labs can have different reference ranges for the same markers, meaning that the same sample of blood may get a red flag at one lab and not at another? Plus, many lab reference ranges are based on averages of the full spectrum of human blood tested at that lab (which include increasingly large percentages of very sick people) or they are outdated ranges based on assumptions of health and wellness that have since been challenged by newer research and studies out there. In some cases, traditional lab reference ranges won't help you detect early stages of imbalance or dysregulation because the range is too broad.


As a health coach trained in functional blood chemistry interpretation, this one-hour  session isn’t about providing any kind of diagnosis but it’s designed to educate and empower you with a deeper understanding of your blood work lab results. I will walk you through your metabolic panel and CBC with differential in detail and, if you have one, we can also review your cortisol and sex hormone panel.


In some cases, you may find that a red flag on your labs really isn’t something you need to worry about. In other cases, you may gain insight on areas of your health that are worth a second look, or more specific questions to ask your doctor the next time you’re in their office.


Click the link below to request an appointment time and upload your blood test results.

bloodwork interpretation


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